Galvin LOVES the new show “Chimp Crazy”

FILE PHOTO: A chimpanzee escaped its enclosure by using a tree branch as a makeshift ladder.

Today on The Mike Calta show Galvin said his new favorite show is “Chimp Crazy!” He’s seen only one episode so far but called it insane and said he’s loving every minute of it.

The creators of Netflix’s “Tiger King” are back with a new show, “Chimp Crazy,” airing on HBO. This four-part docuseries follows Tonia Haddix and her 32-year-old chimp, Tonka. Haddix, whos is featured in the HBO show, is apparently facing legal trouble after getting involved in the wild animal pet trade, which drew attention from animal rights groups like PETA.

Mike once considered getting a pet monkey for the studio but faced a ton of backlash. Mike said he received emails from people saying “they would never listen again!” Galvin agreed that having wild animals in the studio is not a good idea.