The Bucs’ season ended in a brutal walk-off field goal loss to the Washington Commanders. On today’s Mike Calta Show, Mike, still recovering from the late-night game, admitted it was tough to watch everything fall apart.
Galvin’s dead-on prediction of a last-second field goal came true, but it didn’t make things any easier. Geo was really bummed, saying, “I’m just a fan, but it still hurts like hell.” He even questioned why it bothers him so much when he’s not even on the damn team. If it’s hitting him this hard, imagine how the players, coaches, and staff are feeling.
When Mike asked if Geo could cheer for another team in the Super Bowl, Geo shot back with, “NEVER!” Geo was so frustrated by the loss, he’s even questioning whether he wants to go to Radio Row in New Orleans with the show at all.
Mike, on the other hand, shrugged it off with, “It sucks, but I’m over it.”
The Bucs had it all—home field, a solid running game, and a matchup they should’ve won—but turnovers and penalties were their undoing. Both Mike and Geo agreed the season was a fun ride, which makes the loss sting even more.
But despite the gut-punch of the game, everyone on the show agrees: the real winner was the Mike Calta Show Tailgate parties. Thanks to the brisket shop and Bud Light, the tailgates were absolutely legendary.
Next stop for The Mike Calta Show: New Orleans for Radio Row. Sadly, the Bucs won’t be there to join them.