WATCH: Demi Moore Reads Book About Farts

Farting… we all do it! So let’s talk about it. What better way than with a dramatic reading of @itswonderbelly’s new book “An Adult’s Guide to Farts” by Demi Moore ❤️ Demi Moore was first introduced to Wonderbelly when we came out with our clean ingredient Antacids. As a huge advocate of gut health, Demi immediately fell in love with the product and became an investor. Now that we’ve launched our new Bloat + Gas product, alongside this hilarious and educational book, Demi is an even bigger fan! At Wonderbelly, we’re always working to raise awareness around eating disorders and de-stigmatizing bodily functions (like farting). So get the farter in your life “An Adult’s Guide to Farts” on — and get any of our products at @Target and @Cvspharmacy stores nationwide. This goes out to all hot girls with stomach issues! (From YouTube video description)